

Day Six: “Solitude”

The state of being alone, or a lonely and uninhabited place.

I need to find the correct quote. A French explore/sailor wrote a book, years ago, where one part he talked about being alone. He said that, he felt more alone on the Metro in the Paris rush hour. Compared to being on his boat alone in the middle of the ocean. 

This I can totally relate to. The more remote I am, the more I feel at peace, relaxed and funny enough feel like I’m with my friends. Like here walking all alone, ok Peli is with me, on the Farewell Spit on the South Island of NZ.

Photography: Developing Your Eye I

water tower


Day Three: “Water” — Image Orientation

A few days late with this one, sorry chaps. Was a bit busy with life and also split on what do do with this challenge.

I started to click through my old photos for ideas and found this one of a water tower in Portland, OR. So thinking out of the box and not following Today’s tip, oops.

Photography: Developing Your Eye I