howl bushcraft canoe trips

Howl Bush Craft

Spend four fantastic days on Loch Awe in Scotland in the hand of the great team from Howl Bush craft. The relaxing location and the team made this a very enjoyable journey. The knowledge both leaders had about canoeing, camping, Scotland, craft, fire, wild food etc was unlimited.

You were always in safe hands, yet never felt like you were in bubble wrap or on a guided tour. You took part in the day to day decision, the cooking, fire making – you really made the experience yours.

There were so much to do and learn that I often forgot to take my normal amount of photos 🙂 Though I did managed to record some great soundscapes, do check out soundscapes@woollypigs (bring your headphones)

Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe

Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe

The last day of my visit to Loch Awe was a washout. The strong tail wind and wobbly waves along with the heavy rain made it rather hard to take a snap of Kilchurn Castle from a canoe on the Loch.

Though even if this photo is not pin sharp, this panorama really shows off how dramatically the castle, the Loch and Scotland can be.

Loch awe early morning

Loch Awe

Woke up bright a early and just had to enjoy the peace and clam before the rest of the world, well the birds had beaten me, woke up.

If you fancy you can listen to the sound there, over on soundscapes@woollypigs