
Boot cleaner

Day two : “Street” : Wander your neighbourhood – or someplace new – to capture your street snapshot.

This is a hole often next to the main entrance to Victorian house. The owner of this house have come up with a nice way to use the old boot scraper.

Photography: Developing Your Eye I

azub six

Azub Six

I should ride more, I have become lazy over the last half year. Though, I managed to ride a few times in Scotland this year.

This photo is taken in the South Locks area of Isle of Lewis.

Stunning bit of the world. 

walk to the hills

A walk to the hills

Spend a few days in Scotland and had a walk to the hills.

I stopped near this path, just to let the mutt out for a rest as we have been driving for a long time.

Only after we got home I learned that the hill in the background is called Dumyat Hil (Scottish Gaelic: Dùn Mhèad).